Harper Perry has been selected to deliver a new residential design manual for the Kingston upon Hull in East Yorkshire. Over the next 6 months we have been appointed to help shape and illustrate the future supplementary planning guidance document (SPG). The document will be used to raise the standards and ambitions of future housing in Hull City as well as tackle broader issues. These include urban design principles, site strategies, and flood resistence through to means of capturing design quality at planning stages.
The wide reaching SPG will tackle Urban Design Principles, Streets and Public Realm and Detailed Design. Urban principles will look strategies for achieving convivial townscapes and provide practical landscape design that tackles flood risk issues in the City. This will support places to play and live. Street design will look at opportunities and best practice for equitable places in between and around new housing as well as more pragmatic ways to integrate pedestrians, cycling and cars. Finally, design detail will examine strategies for capturing detailed design at the planning stages design, detailing and building fabric.
The document will be published later this year for consultation before being adopted. The project builds upon previous practice research around housing.