Planning consent granted for Malings Community Garden

The new community garden that we have designed with residents at the Malings has been given planning consent by Newcastle City Council.  We were appointed by developer, Igloo to make improvements to the landscape along Maling Terrace: a narrow lane that skirts the edge of the Malings site.  We...

Gresham Trojan Horse Procession

Events, News
Last weekend saw the public prosession of new work by Isabel Lima: Gresham trojan horse from Middlesbrough Institute for Modern Art to a site on Union Street on the Gresham estate which we helped design with Isabel, Tilt Workshop and Engineers at Structural and Civil Engineers. The Gresham Estate...

Self Build Guild – We’ll take second

In October we were invited to the Grand Design Live show in Birmingham having been shortlisted for the self-build on a shoestring award with our entry: A Self Build Guild.  Happily, as a practice of two we were awarded second prize as runners up to a massive multi-disciplinary practice...

Thoughts on LILAC

Last month we joined a team of volunteer residents and twenty or so interested people from across the UK to talk about funding and financial models in housing. Perhaps not everyone’s idea of fun weekend, but we had a blast.  This was at LILAC (Low Impact Living and Affordable...