
Westerdale in now weathertight (and airtight) ready for the winter with eight new large Rational windows installed as the frost sets in.  Full steam ahead for the fitout in...

Kielder Castle – Castles, Follies and Elephants

Castles, Follies and Elephants is a commission for a temporary installation of follys the grounds of Kielder Castle in Northumberland with the excellent Kielder Arts and Architecture.  The project, which is being developed in collaboration with artist Oliver Perry,  will comprise a series of ‘objects’ installed within the landscape...

Self Build Guild – We’ll take second

In October we were invited to the Grand Design Live show in Birmingham having been shortlisted for the self-build on a shoestring award with our entry: A Self Build Guild.  Happily, as a practice of two we were awarded second prize as runners up to a massive multi-disciplinary practice...

Towards A Self-Build Guild?

News, Events, Press
We’re very excited to have been longlisted(!) for the National Custom & Self Build Association Self Build Starter Home competition. Our proposal took a deviant approach to the brief, proposing a ‘Self-Build-Guild’. The Guild is an organisation to support and enable self-build for people with little or no upfront...

HarperPerry selected for Coastival 2017

News, Events
Harper Perry have been selected to feature at the Coastival Festival 2017.  The annual winter festival held in Scarborough bring the town to life during the dark nights of February with a programme of  art, performance and music.  HarperPerry will be featuing a mobile installation to portal visitor into...

Hatton Showcase – Designs for a touring pavilion

Events, News
Showcase: Designs for a Touring Pavilion We have appointed to work with the Hatton Gallery as part of their work to  deliver a new demountable pavilion for Newcastle and Gateshead to showcase the Hatton Gallery. The new structure aims to maintain the profile of the Hatton whilst it is...

The future of housing?

As part of the ongoing work of the Ouseburn Futures group, James and Claire will be helping host an evening workshop looking at housing in the Ouseburn – past present and future. The event will cover housing of the past with Mike Greatbatch (Ouseburn Heritage expert), current housing developments...

Westerdale starts on site

Westerdale went on site last week with demolition work complete and foundations being poured within a week.  The frame and structure should be complete by late August with wildflower green roof being installed shortly after. Phase 1 included structural reworking of the 18th century cottage, internal insulation throughout and...