Shortlisted for Resilient Homes Competition in Hull

Housing, News, Press
Last week, Harper Perry were shortlisted alongside four other finalists in the RIBA contest to develop flood-resilient homes alongside two sites on Hull Riverside. Backed by Hull City Council, the Living with Water competition invited architect-led teams to submit ‘unique and distinctive’ concepts for the neighbouring 1.7ha Humber Quay...

Hull Residential Design Manual

Hull Residential Housing Guide
News, Housing
Harper Perry has been selected to deliver a new residential design manual for the Kingston upon Hull in East Yorkshire. Over the next 6 months we have been appointed to help shape and illustrate the future supplementary planning guidance document (SPG). The document will be used to raise the...

We’ve moved offices – Baltic 39

We’ve moved to Baltic 39 on High bridge, central Newcastle-upon-Tyne.  We can now be contacted on landline 0191 261 3830.  Details have been updated on our contacts page. Harper Perry 31-39 High Bridge, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE1 1EW BALTIC 39 is home to 32 studios, of which Newcastle City Council provide...

Cumana House gains planning permission

Cumana House has gained planning permission from Darlington council earlier this week.  The extension is a reworking of the existing garage into a kitchen, living and dining space.  Cumana House is a rare late 1960s timber framed modernist house in County Durham set amongst mature landscape.  The proposal, extends...

Kielder Castle Installation 2018

Press, News
Castles, Follies and Elephants is now open for the spring/summer season at Kielder Castle, Northumberland. The installation is a collaboration with artist, Oliver Perry. The commission takes the form of a series of temporary installations in the grounds of Kielder Castle in Northumberland. Nine ‘objects’ have been installed in...

Planning consent granted for Malings Community Garden

The new community garden that we have designed with residents at the Malings has been given planning consent by Newcastle City Council.  We were appointed by developer, Igloo to make improvements to the landscape along Maling Terrace: a narrow lane that skirts the edge of the Malings site.  We...

Castle Follies and Elephants Installation Launches in Kielder

News, Events
Castles, Follies and Elephants, collaborative project between Harper Perry Architects and artist Oliver Perry opened this week in the grounds of Kielder Castle. The temporary installation is free and open to the general public with a commissioned map detailing the trail. Nine ‘objects’ have been installed in the landscape...